tiistai 14. kesäkuuta 2011

About first blog posts and (boring) practicalities

Iiiiiiiiik, this is my first blog post ever. How exciting. It is Tuesday June 14th, I am 31 and about to write my first post. Welcome to the 21st century Ansku! Welcome to read Drama Queen's Land Weekly. Yay!

About the Blog name: I owe big thanks to my friend Kaisa for the idea :) It came up on a sunny May afternoon @ Karaportti, the externals corner, the home of all creativity *joke*. I was wondering out loud what would be a good name for the blog to both reflect me and my upcoming adventures in Australia. Kaisa had a 30 sec quiet moment and said Drama Queen's Land Weekly. YES! The baby has a name.

Those who know me better see nothing odd in it. Those who think I am calm & steady, oh well, you'll see. But anyways, I am referred as a Drama Queen for being slightly dramatic (name originated @ Skumppajoulut 2008, thanks to my dear friend Anni who kindly opened my eyes for  this minor “blind spot”). I am moving to Queensland in two weeks, fourteen days that is! Also, I think writing once a week is a proper frequency so Weekly beats Daily. There's the logic for those of you who didn't get it in the first place ;)

To write in Finnish or in English, there I had a problem. Still have a bit. Pros and cons with both. To write in Finnish would be more natural as it is my dear mother tongue. It's easier to capture feelings with Finnish, more words, more variety. On the other hand, couple of times in my previous life I have had the situation of needing to express my feelings in english, and I can promise you, the problem was not in finding the words!  Finnish would also be suitable as a "code language" if things get rough 'n tough. You know, to open up BIG TIME. Google translator does quite a poor job in translating to Finnish, so I would be safe and sound there.

But then again, I have bunch of dear friends who do not speak or read Finnish and think it is all jibberish. Friends who put my Finnish Facebook status updates in google translator and send me "WTF is going on" emails afterwards. Also, I must be looking forward. If I would write only for friends in Finland it would be a bit narrow. Most likely, my Aussie friend group will be super international, and it would be great to share my blog with them too (See, I am optimistic of making new friends there. Friends who can read!!). Last but not least, we Finns talk pretty good English (even my Mom), so no one is left behind.

So at this point I will be writing in English. *disclaimer* All rights reserved to write in Finnish if just feeling like it. Enough argumentation to make my point?

There it is, my very first blog post. Hih! Too practical topics IMO, but one needs to be practical with big things like Blog name and language? Next time something more me, promise :)

Pusuja…or what one is expected to say here?...stay tuned! Xx

PS: This is published with a glass of champagne and excellent company :) WIN

1 kommentti:

  1. Hah! Will follow diligently. Weekly. My blog's not updated more than maybe monthly, so you're still ambitious in my book! Over and out, see ya tomorrow!
